The 8th Annual North Carolina Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend will start on Friday May 3, 2013 with a candle light service held at the monument starting at 8 pm.
Saturday May 4, 2013 will start with the Memorial Parade; we will start setting up and lining up at 0900, step off at 10 am.
Practice for the Memorial Service will follow after the Parade at Nash Square on the Memorial Grounds.
Memorial Service starts at 1 pm.
If your Honor Guard and/or Pipe and Drum Band will be participating in the Memorial Weekend, Please send an email to rwood@skylandfire.com with Name of unit, number of personnel attending, point of contact and events participating in.
Hope to see everyone there as we honor our fallen, support the families, and share in the brotherhood of the Fire Service in North Carolina.
Any questions you can contact the NCFFF at 1-877-810-1800 or find us on Facebook.
You may also contact:
Battalion Chief Rick Wood, 2nd Vice President, Chief of Operations directly at
(828) 230-7114.